Yoshinogari Keitai-Guide

Ceremonial hall, 2nd Level




This scene shows the feasts that were held after the important rituals of the ceremonial hall. It is thought that the second level of the ceremonial hall was used for this type of feast and for important political gatherings. Those able to attend the most important feasts at the most sacred shrine of the Yoshinogari kingdom must have been high-ranking members of the governing class. The supposed garments and uniforms of the high-ranking officials were recreated with reference to parts of silk and hemp clothing excavated from the Yoshinogari ruins, and haniwa figures of people from the Tumulus period. The figure at the front on the tall dais is the king. Referring to ancient Chinese pictures and descriptions in Japan’s ancient chronicle, the Kojiki, it is assumed that he sat on this type of curtained dais on the occasion of important festivals.

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