Yoshinogari Keitai-Guide

Kuratoichi (Storehouses and Market)




In the area surrounded by the external moat in the west of the Southern Inner Enclosure and the ruins running along the western moat of the Yoshinogari burial mound, the remains of a group of more than 100 structures thought to be storehouses were discovered. These ruins were divided into four areas, and between the groups of buildings are the remains of an open space thought to be a plaza and a space shaped like a street. A multi-story building thought to have the structure of a tower was discovered in the eastern part of the central group of ruins. In Chinese cities at that time, there was a fenced-off area within which there were shops, a plaza and streets. In the center there was a market with a tall building used for keeping a lookout. There are similarities in structure between Chinese markets and this area. This suggests that this area was one with storehouses and a market for various articles used by the country for taxation and trade, as well as for storing materials needed in battle.

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