Moatcircled Village Entrance
The main defenses were located at the east gate of the ancient Yoshinogari village. An earthen bridge was built over the outer moat at this location with a large gate protecting the inner area. Extending from both sides of the gate was a spiked wooden fence/wall. From the extent of the defenses, it is supposed that this village was extremely important and perhaps the residence of successive rulers of the area.
MAMORINOYOUSU (Defense System)
Seven gates similar to the Higashi front entrance gate were located on the outer moat fence. Three additional gates were located in both MINAMINAIKAKU and KITANAIKAKU. Sentries were probably posted at all of these entrances. Sentries are believed to be armed with shields for protection and long spears and/or bow and arrows. They also wore body armor made of wood.
SAKAMOGI (Abatis and wooden fence)
The outer defenses are believed to have consisted of an abatis and a spiked wooden fence to prevent enemies from entering. These defenses were also found on both sides of the Higashi entrance gate as well as both sides of the gates opening into important areas.